Thursday, July 2, 2009

Over my head.

Tht pain ,Unbearable.I had a weird dream yesterday.It's epicly..... Weird.I hate tht kind of dream.Which shatters my heart when i woke up,Realising it was just a dream.I know it'll never come true.I don't even dare tuh think about it.Ha.I want tuh use boy's bag, OMGGGG.AND HIS SPEC.NB OMG.HA.Chatting with usual people, weeling suwen arhjas on MSN.Laugh till my intestine almost fly out.Cb! All ponster!HAHAHA.Monday is holiday, yayhoo! ( doesn't concern me ._. )Tomorrow going out with mother and sister..Thn buy another phone for my father..Cos we lost 2 phone in 1 day -.- Sai crap.Maybe going east point repair 2 phones..Maybe meeting sexy mei bestie after tht.Thn at night maybe meeting boy and ling baby.Might be tonning..Or maybe noon meeting boy if he can lend me bag.He slept, so.. No reply (:Shall get going.THT PAIN IS SOOOOOOO BEARABLE LOH AIYOOOO.TSKTSK.CANNOT TAKE IT, OPPS.I WANNA BLAST MUSIC IN MY EARS.I WANNA FORGET.I WANNA STAND IN TH SEA OF WATER.I WANNA DIE.I WANT TH WAVES TUH WASH AWAY MY TROUBLES.ANYONE ON FOR SILOSO OR ECP ?): --It felt as if we were having holidays,Chatting in th middle of th night, laughing out loud.It reminded me of those days we laughed so hard while slacking.1 thing between us was tht we'd never stop talking,For even half a minute.I realised tht..We're forever laughing like mad, deesiao-ing, joking.Entertaining so much tht we can't stop kuangxiaoing.Messing up my own hair style, Throwing away all my face, my 形象 in front of you people.I had no idea why, i didn't mind at all.In fact i did it very happily and willingly.Maybe cos we're used tuh life like this.Being ourselves, being mad and crazy with each other.Not caring about our faces, impressions.We just wanna have fun.Remember we kuangxiao-ed on th bus, we sang, we blast on th bus.We chatted and laughed so hard on th double decker bus.It's all memories.Remember tht night we almost ton..Being wet all over, blabla.It's very fun, really.Th first ever slacks of all we had, and all i had,Th funnest.Though it might not be, for you all.But for me, it is th best already.Tht day at bedok HQ.Though we suffered th whole day,But remember ?We sang, we joked, we entertained.We gave each other food and drinks.Doing pumping, sitting on th floor eating.Blabla.They are all memories, yeah?Sudden rush of flashbacks came back tuh me just now,As we chatted and laughed so hard.Lalala.I'm feeling so heartbroken suddenly.Since just now.Crap...

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