Friday, July 31, 2009

The drink that Medgar Evers never got.

Well I thought they were going to play a round of beer pong but they decided to keep it professional. It appears that Vice President Joe Biden is good for helping President Barack Obama look less threatening to the “Mainstream.” I never supported yesterdays meeting. This meeting makes light of the arrest of Dr. Henry L. Gates. We still don’t know why he was arrested in his own home? The White House evening pub crawl co-signs that the police can arrest people at will.

Then to top off the evening, Sgt James Crawley gave a press conference!! Like this dude is important or something!!! Another American “Sarah Palin Moment” on the horizon I see. Why does America keep making these Average Joes into stars??? Mayor E. Denise Simmons, looks like someone might want your job.

The embarrassment of the night was The White House scrimping on the food. You can get salty peanuts anywhere….it’s the White House for crying out loud!!! At least throw a steak on the grill!!!

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