Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Quizzy baby.

1) The person who tagged you.- Eiko sexy sweets.2) Your relationship with him or her.- Gan sexy sweets evil sister -.-3) Your first impression on him or her.- Crappy entertaining.4) Your most memorable moment with him or her.- Erm, idk ? At her house with TongShan ? Lol.5) The most memorable you said to him or her.- Er, idk .6) If him or her becomes your lover.- Never.7) If him or her becomes your lover, what would you like him or her to improve on- Be their own selves..8) If him or her becomes your enemy, what will you do.- Slap her, AHAHAHAHAHA, WTF.9) If him or her becomes your enemy, what will be the reason.- She's too sexy.10) The most desired thing you want to do for him or her now.- Idk ? LOL.11) Your overall impression on him or her.- Crappy!!12) The characteristic you love most about yourself.- Sweeeeeeeet. ( Alot ants ]: )13) The characteristic you hate most about yourself.- Stubborn and easily influenced.14) The most ideal person you want to be.- HAHAHA, LADY GAGA, LMAOOOO. No, i want michael jackson, LOL.15) For people that care and like you, say something to them.- If they are whoever tht i cares, i'm always there.16) Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you.1. Dansen bestie.2. Ling bestf.3. Eiko sweets.4. Suwen ni gu :x5. Arhjas sister.6. Weeling arkaliao sis.7. Kendrick ah boy.8. Denise mei.9. Sybil Jie.10. Emilia Darlink.17) Who is 6 having relationship with?- ( Weeling ) Suwen ._. :D18) Is 9 a male or female?- ( Sybil ) Female.19) If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing?- ( Kendrick and Emilia ) Er no ?! -.-20) What is 2 studying at the moment?- ( Ling ) School ? Sec 3 o.o21) When was the last time you had a chat with 3?- ( Eiko ) I don't know, last thursday ?22) What kind of music 8 like?- ( Denise ) Idk. RNB ? :x x.x23) Does 1 have any siblings?- ( Dansen ) A younger sister.24) Will you woo 3?- ( Eiko ) Haha nopes.25) How about 7?- ( Kendrick ) Yesyes, he's a hawty boy. LOLLL! Unavailable la!26) Is 4 single?- ( Suwen )No, attached :D27) What's is surname of 5?- ( Arhjas ) Lee.28) What's the hobby of 5?- ( Arhjas ) Keehong-ing and smoking ? -.- LMAO.29) Do 5 and 9 get along well?- They're strangerrrrrrs.30) Where is 2 studying at?- Spf.31) Say something casual about your eyes?- Was big, now small, but sexy and veryyyyyy... Chio la aiyo ( Shy )32) Have you developing feelings for 5?- ( Arhjas ) LOL, no ? -.- Tsk..33) What colour does 4 like?- ( Suwen ) Purple.34) Are 5 and 1 good friends?- ( Arhjas and Ling ) No ? They saw each other before.35) Does 7 like 2?- ( Kendrick and Ling ) Definitely, they're damn sticky la. Sticky couple.36) How did you get to know 2?- ( Ling ) Hmm, long story :S37) Does 1 have any pets?- ( Dansen ) Hamstersssss! NIAP NIAP IS MY HUSBAND, LMAO.38) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?- ( Kendrick ) YES, woooooo.39) How is 7 related to you?- Boy and Bestfr ! :D40) Describe 1.- Understanding ? Cute, funny, crappy, entertaining, joker, lazy.Hmm.. Got somemore la. LOL. And, low self esteem king x.xDone!Wee bored.Fucking bored.Ate 6 small small small bun with meat inside.And 1 quarter of subway melt.Si subway, cut cost, bread become smaller, LMAO.

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