Friday, July 3, 2009


154 days of besties.Will end here.Cos of both our fucking attitude.And will never be friends again.154 only, very little yea?Tuh you it's very little.Just 5 months and 3 days.Wtf is wrong ?So little, aiyah half a year nia.A punishment ok ?Don't find a bestie like me.FAIL ONE OK.TREAT YOU LIKE CRAP.DEESIAO LIKE MAD.OK ?I'm very happy with my life now.Whether with or without you.It's th same.I will laugh like i do all th time.As for you ?Go enjoy your life.Be whatever you want,Do whatever you desire.Think however you care,And your bestfriend will be there.Ok ?Byebye.I hate this.Why..?

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