Sunday, September 20, 2009



Name: Anonymous
Location: The Last Block On The Left (UNIMAS)
Time: Between 20 September - 21 September 2009

20 September 2009

0100 : silent night, most of the house in the block are empty. decided to go to sleep after 12 hours facebook-ing.

0130 : can't sleep, continue facebook-ing. picking vegetables and fruits from my farm. stealing some from my barn buddies. i sold my birthday cake for 10,000 coins.

0200 : dozed off.

0235 : heard sounds of cat fighting from the block in front of my house, too scared to check out. 

0301 : awakened, thought someone - or something staring at me from the window. it's a figure of a woman with long hair. her hair is not 'rebonding-straight' but rather frizzy.

0901 : friend called. invited to celebrate hari raya but wake up late.

21 September 2009 (Hungry Ghost Festival)

0130 : after facebook-ing decided to sleep.

0131 : turned off the light.

0131 : thought saw a flash of light (shape like a sphere) going through the window. too scared to sleep turn on the light back.

0140 : reporting sightings in facebook. got about 40 feedback.

0430 : sleeping - with the lights on.

enc: pictures


- It's the first day of Raya so most people believe the ghosts who was 'chained' during fasting had finally escaped and free to roam the land

- it's the hungry ghost festival, so some people believed ghosts are wandering at this time, unfinished business maybe.

- one person asked, "Are you sure the frizzy hair ghost is chinese woman ghost?"

Isn't chinese woman ghost supposed to look like this:

okay the ghost above is not frizzy hair at all... but i'm sure it's a ghost whatever she looked like.

- the most surprising conclusion is that, the place where the college block is located is actually a chinese burial ground, well that explained the chinese ghost theory !

- however the light sphere appearance has not been explained yet, it could be an optical trick or something.

- last but not least, the sound of two cats fighting. the college have no cats whatsoever,and why in the hell the writer heard the sound of a cat fighting in the middle of early morning... goosebumps !

The college is build on a chinese burial ground !!!! that tops it all !

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