Saturday, January 23, 2010

Daaaaaaamn buuuurn

Why, why, why don't people alert me when such gems are posted?? Well, someone refered me to it yesyerday and asked if they could use Home-Watch as a way to respond to it without moderation censoring it. I thought it was going to be a simple thing, but the email completely MAULED Mr_Lochwood. (I've colour coded the comments in red to make it easier to read.)

thanks for giving me a chance to post this, I added my comments to it, the original topic again is here:

thanx n' keep it up!

Hello all,

I just wanted to take a moment to share some stuff with you about myself, life and my time on Home. I am a 43 year old disabled man. I have Agoraphobia, PTSD, ADD, and a host of anxiety disorders. [No, you are a governmental leech who uses your lack of social skills as an excused to suck the teet of social security which the rest of us pay for] I am married to Mrs Lochwood(not our real last name) and have been for 13 years. We have 9 wonderful children - some are from different marriages. [Great, not only are you and the missus stupider then sin, but you've spit out a litter of offspring to pass your emotional and psychological issues onto. Terrific.] I am an ordained minister [Sorry, that means about jack shit these days. Anyone with an internet connection and a few minutes can become LEGALLY ORDAINED IN A MATTER OF MINUTES.Further info available at:] and have played guitar for over 32 years. [So has Eric Clapton, and he's not a self-righteous douchebag.]

Now as an agoraphobic(Agoraphobia Defined) along with the other disorders I have, I have not been able to leave my house for more than 2 hours at a time in at least 10 years. [Oh boo hoo, cry us all a river! "I'm scared to go outside, I have a disorder!"] And the 2 hour stints have only happened maybe once or twice a year in that time. Now I am not looking for your sympathy here. [yes you are] I am simply trying to help people to understand why I use Home so much and why I am so dedicated to it. [You're dedicated to it because it's one spot where you have some type of control or power, because in real life you're an emotionally destroyed welfare sponge.] It is the only world I have ever found were I am not afraid of people or conversing with them and that means a lot to me. I was very very horribly abused as a child - I will not get into the details here, but cerfice it to say my childhood was more full of horrific abuse than any good times. [Oh no, child abuse. You're one of a very rare breed there, no one in this world could ever recover from that. Except maybe everyone who isn't a whiny crybaby shutin. Being abused is no excuse for anything. Ask Oprah and the years of molestation she endured. And she's richer then anyone you'll ever encounter] Now, I now nobody has a perfect childhood and that we have all suffered and whatnot, that is not what I am talking about. The nicest memory of abuse I can give you(if calling it nice is even at all appropriate) is spending my lunch hours at school either having my head dunked in a toilet or being stuffed in a garbage can - and mind you that is the nicest non sexually abusing thing I could think of to give you as an example. [It's often stated that those who are bullied become bullies later in life. I guess you could be added to that case study]

However now me and the Mrs are finding Home and the forums to be not nearly as welcoming as they used to be. I have been accused of being and elitist and of following leadership blindly as if seeking some kind of personal glory or special treatment or whatever, and it is entirely untrue. [Actually it's 100% true. You have a place in a social heirarchy, you're losing it, and people don't respect you anymore. So you cling to the nearest HCM nutsack for dear life] I nor my wife do the things we do on home for personal gain. Frankly I am a bit confused as to how our hosting events freely for the whole public(we have never had an event that was private or in a club - always in public so all could attend) out of our own free time and giving away $10 psn cards and other prizes at the events is looking for self gain, but I guess giving of oneself seems to appear as selfish to many. We do what we do because Home has provided for us a place where we can go out together and dance, meet new people have a social life that we could not have otherwise. [You don't do any of it out of selflessness. You do it because it makes people pay attention to you, and makes people think of you in a positive light. Basically you bribe people to be your friend]

I know many of you will say well get outside, get over it - It is the past - and that is fine. I expect it. Not everyone understands disabilities and for that I am thankful. I would rather not have the understanding of it that I do, so I do not expect others to understand or even at times to try. [I understand you, you're very, very basic] But I would like to say, it is beyond my control. I am disabled - meaning unable - It is not that I do not wish to go outside it is that I can not. [I, myself deal with 4 different personality & psychological disorders. I won't name them because I'm not a sympathy begging failbaby. My life is difficult to control, but I do. Because I work at it. I work six days a week, go out twice a week with friends, play home, manage this blog, and I still have enough left in me to take a shit on a bitchass whiner like you.] The last time I did for any length of time it landed me in the hospital. [And there goes some more of my tax money.] That is neither good for me or my family who by the way understands my disability and supports me 100%. I am also allergic to almost every medication known to man, so taking medication has not been very successful in helping treat the situation either. [well at least we get a tax break there.] I have however spent many years in counseling and currently my councilor feels that Home is a wonderful place for me and encourages my use of it. [After years and years of Psychologists and psychiatrists saying MMO materials when used for long periods of times by addictive personalities is dangerous if not deadly, you found a clinical professional that disagrees. Kudos, shoot us their number, we need more quacks that'll fight to stop politically ambitious congressmen.]

I say all of this because I am at wits end. My wife has been crying for days now due to the constant harassment of many who claim to be doing what is best for Home. [Really? Crying. Over a virtual world. Are you sure you're not the only mental case in your household?] The normal harassers, we have learned to deal with they come and go and are just a part of Home - what would we do without the occasional noob dancing on us - but it is not that that we have a problem with it is the people who insist we are one person - my wife and I are not one person [You know, I never thought of it like that. Two mentally defunct people in the same house at the same time? I mean, I have seen one person operate multiple PS3s on home at once before, but now I have the idea you might be one of them.] - it is the people who insist we are doing all of this to harm Home, even stating that it is due to people like the Mrs and I that Home has so many problems. Well, all we can say is we are not here to harm Home and we do not wish to be elitists or above anyone; [Really. You and your "wife" and your small little band of folks were some of the very first people on home. I didn't have a keyboard, I was dressed in blues, I asked all the same dumb questions. You treated me with mockery, insult, and malice. You engaged me in an insult battle, which I slayed you at. Your retort was to batch report me with your wife & cronies. That was my first Home account, and it was suspended. My first day on Home. Now normally I would have brushed it off, and for a while I did. Until I started hearing from everyone that the Lochwoods have the moderation teams balls on their chins, and they harass, insult, mock, and otherwise irritate other members of the Home community. You sir, aren't special. You're the same type of dumbass elitist trolls you see anywhere else on the internet. It's just no one had the ability to confront you, because of your super-sensitive feelings and your connections. Now people have that outlet.]

however, we will not be chased out either. We are here to stay and if people wish to continue to harass us with such foolishness well let them. I have had enough. I have been harassed my whole life so frankly I guess it is just par for the course, and all it shows is the ignorance and pettiness of those who attack us. [Actually, if you want to get down to technicalities, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm not taking your shit, and other folks aren't either anymore. "Boo hoo, I've been a victim my whole life." You're a victim because you view everything as an attack. Now, in the case of this retort, what I'm writing is very much an attack. Well earned too. But don't pretend you're some big martyr, and everyone is after you. That comes off childish, and very transparent.] Our only wish is to give back to a program that has given us a new outlook on life, and to the community that at one time accepted us when no one else would.

Happy Home Days to you all always!

[And that is exactly what Home-Watch has been doing. Giving back to something it loves by giving people the freedom from the oppressive censorship and puppeteering that goes on on a day to day basis. And out of it all, you write this incredibly long rant, and you still come off sounding like a pompous dickhead. And for what? To let everyone know how sad other folks are making you? Tough shit. YOU ARE FUCKING 43 YEARS OLD. Go fucking raise your 9 kids. Or do you tell them "Sorry kids, dinner is going to be late, mommy and daddy have to play make believe TV show with a teenage girl.

Bottom line, you are a complete tool]

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