Friday, October 30, 2009

Where is this "Gangster" Chicago-Style Politics I keep hearing about?

Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever!!

~ Michael Corleone

Senator Joe “Benedict Arnold” Lieberman, has screwed the Democrats again. Apparently they like it because they keep letting him do it. Lieberman gave the Democrats a middle finger with his decision to back a Republican filibuster on a government option health care bill. The Democrats shouldn’t be surprised because everyone else saw this coming a mile away. This is one of the reasons I left the Democratic Party. They are weak and don’t have the gonads to stand up for their beliefs. They sway in the wind waiting for public opinion to help make their decisions. They should have told Lieberman to kick rocks a long time ago. In the movie “The Godfather”, the Corleone Family handled their enemies with the swiftness. They didn’t sit around hoping people would come around to their way of thinking. They handled their BIZNESS!!! Now I’m not suggesting killing anyone because of course that is against the law. But sometimes you gotta know when to put people in check. The Democrats had a chance to strip Lieberman's Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental chairmanship. It would have been only right because of how he worked against President Obama in the 2008 election. But with word coming down from President Obama to let bygones be bygones, Lieberman skated away. This was the same guy that was once the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate in 2000. After the Democrats lost in 2000………..oops…….were robbed in 2000, it is as if Lieberman has become a different man. Even the Democrats can’t explain this “New Joe Lieberman.” Either way the Democrats deserve everything they are getting from him. And no I don't feel sorry for them. They should have paid attention to the Corleones. They knew how to handle BIZNESS!!!

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