Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Every Hero has a Nemesis, and guess who has one?????

Captain America had the Red Skull, Sherlock Holmes had Professor Moriarty and MSNbc has Fox News. And now I have a detractor. I’ve heard him on radio but never met him in person. I know he lives in the Atlanta area and is a black man (sometimes your own cut the deepest). I knew of his existence before our 1st run in because he was in an internet street fight (long story folks – we realize now that we should have sold tickets). A few weeks after that is when we first were introduced. I was guest blogging and minding my own business and BAM!!! Dude came out of nowhere and sucker punched me.

Oh my bad, I didn’t tell you his name. He goes by Constructive Feedback. Well like I said, he came out of nowhere with this black intellectual mumbo jumbo. Apparently he didn’t like what I said in my post. Don’t get me wrong because I don’t mind debate. I’m not the kind of blogger that expects people to agree with me. On my blog roll list I have numerous bloggers of different beliefs. They go from Liberal to Conservative, Pro Black to Kumbaya, Feminists, Pro-Gay, Not so much Pro-Gay. As you can see I don’t mind hearing all sides of a debate……if it is intelligent. So after I re-grouped and left my response I thought that would be it. Well he came back and went on and on and on and on and on. Have you ever tried arguing with a toilet seat? Okay, so now you know why I left it alone and went on my merry way.

Fast forward to this past weekend. I left a comment on my Frat Brothers guest post and a day later all hell broke loose. Constructive Feedback strikes again!!! My Frat Brother told me that he stopped by the comments section of his guest post. This time he was trying to slap everyone around that made comments. I would have laughed it off like I did last time but he got my attention. He left some smart comment in response to my comment. It was something like “I have to remind myself that these Negroes have a college education.” Oh really!!! It’s like that now?? This is the part in the movie where I take my gloves off. I’ve read this dudes blogs (yes, multiple blogs –i.e. like one is just not enough), his comments on other peoples blogs (yes, he is spreading his gospel throughout the black blogosphere), and I have even heard him on blog talk radio (it was an absolute mess – imagine Grady from "Sanford and Son" discussing Foreign Policy on "Meet the Press").

With all that being said……I’m not impressed. All I see is a slick huckster trying to make a name for himself. Another college educated Negro, that thinks he knows the ills of blacks because he read the Autobiography of Malcolm X and wore a Dashiki around campus. Feedback would like for you to believe that the only threat against black folks is mainly by black folks. He rails against Gangbangers, Drug Dealers, Black Politicians and I even think he hates black kittens. I find it odd that he never calls racism into question. Like it is some far fetched concept made up by Wood Elves. He feels that everyone should share his beliefs and God forbid if you don’t (FYI - don’t ever say anything bad about Clarence Thomas). He has the nastiest attitude and attempts to label and belittle you.

On my blog I give everyone the business!!! I jump on Black Democratic Politicians and White Conservative Republicans alike. I don’t pull punches or play up one political party. So when Feedback labeled me a liberal, I had to give him the side-eye. It just goes to prove that Feedback doesn’t know his Arse from a Hole in the Ground.

Well I’m here to say that this “Fake Black Nationalist” skit is old. How do you expect black folks to take you seriously when you talk down to them? That is not how you engage people in an intelligent conversation….even this “college educated Negro knows that!!” Feedback is full of more crap than a Xmas Turkey. He questioned a fellow blogger’s credibility and called him everything but a child of God. So why does he continue to visit his blog? Why would you call someone a fraud but still read their work??? Feedback is an attention getter. He is the guy in college that lies about how much sex he has. Or maybe he is the clown that comes into town to let you know the circus is coming. At times I can't tell which one.

During our first encounter, Feedback belittled my Fraternity for our work in the community. He attempted to give a back handed compliment. If a person truly cares about the plight of their people, they would be into consensus building. They would tear their people down in order to prove a point. That just isn’t cool. Learning how to listen to opposing views is a true sign of a man. Any cat can sit in his underoos and type away on his keyboard. But can they engage in real conversation that has meaning? Until you can figure out what you want to be, do me a favor. Get off my back!!!!

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