Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The public schools are rotten but it ain’t the apples on the teachers desk!!!

Where did all of this foolish talk of firing bad teachers because of poor student performance come from? The Public School System has been horrible for awhile now (if you listen to the mainstream media). All I hear about locally is parents complaining about busing and schools. On the flip side, I hear politicians complaining about teachers. It’s the never ending circle of dog chase tail. This is the part where John and Jane Q. Public Citizen shakes their heads and wonders how did things get this bad? I don’t know the when but the how is not hard to figure out. Yes there are bad teachers and yes some public schools are underfunded. But why are we not talking about the KIDS!!!!

Yes, the kids!!! Politicians (i.e. Mayors, Congressmen, State and U.S. Senators and School Board Members) dance around this subject every time education is brought up. I guess they are afraid of their poll numbers dropping. Because as we all know, a politician loves their polls like a stripper. If someone hasn’t told you by now, these kids in school are bad as shiggidy!!! They are like future criminals, and prostitutes in training. But don’t take my word for it – ask your local teachers. I talk to people that teach in public schools and they have frightening stories that would scare Stephen King. I know a teacher that had her car vandalized by a student. Another student actually told the same teacher to suck his D*#$! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – things done changed!!!

Who do we have to blame for this: These raggedy “A” parents that are giving birth to these miscreants. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to be parents. It just shouldn’t be an option for some people. They should have to go ask permission from some governing source. I know some people will think that’s Republican like but dammit it’s true. These are the same parents that can’t won’t come to parent-teacher conferences. And God forbid if they do come, they are hostile and ready to fight. You can spot their children in the classroom because they’re the ones that can’t read. If a teacher wonders why their 4th grade student dresses like a hooker, they can get all of their answers when the student’s parent finally comes in. I’ve heard stories of parents dressing like they worked at a strip club. I’m not hating on strippers but they could at least dress up a bit. How hard is it to get a pair of slacks and a blouse from Belks? People are just giving birth and hoping that things work out. Parents aren’t reading to their kids and they damn sure aren’t providing structure. These students have too many distractions at home. Students are coming to school wondering why daddy is missing in action or why do different men visit mommy at night. Throw in the lack of parenting and you have the perfect storm.

So until we address the real issues, we will always be talking around this subject. You can fire the teachers all you want to get rid of the bad teachers. You can even implement pay for performance and unfortunately you will get rid of some of the good teachers. But with all this firing going on, who is going to fire the parents?

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