Sunday, March 21, 2010


Two;Better than one.I never thought tht it'd be easy.School tomorrow.It's 12.42am now.Elective module?Idw go lol.School kills me.I hate school.I hate you.Cry and cry and cry and cry and cry ~I wna go for hairstyling ..Spa tech can say byebye tuh me ^^Why school don't Inks&Studs&Rings module.LOL.If have, I sure die also go :lLaughhs.Tomorrow if I not tired I go bah.Doubt anyone'd text or call me tuh go school tomorrow.So.Most probably not going.Haha.Kthxbye.--I don't miss you.I miss whatever you did.No not those tht made me cry.Those tht puts a smile on me wherever I go.Even able tuh smile so broadly out of a sudden.Th urge tuh smile so broadly tht I can't continue talking.Everything's tht went pass.It's been so long.I remember I always think of you,Till now.Whenever people ask me how's life.But I'm too ashame tuh even tell them about you.Hahaha.Too many reasons I shouldn't say.But I still told afew.For 1 reason.I really enjoyed time with you.Though it's th minimum part of all our time.Hahaha.I still think I'm an idiot.A failure.Why?Hahahaha.Idw tuh say..It just fails my confidence so much.My esteem.This few years had been bad.They whacked and lowered my esteem.Even just a passing remark does affects.Even in a joking manner.Who likes tuh be insulted, be a joke of every meal time?Who'd like tuh be bad and let people insult?Nobody wants it.They want tuh change too.But how?Laughing at people is not what you live for.You live tuh help.People exist tuh help each other.And love each other, remember each other.Create memories and make history together.Not laugh, scold, insult and hurt each other.Life's not long.It's a tough way tuh go.Learn tuh appreciate.Words doesn't mean a single shit.Do it and show tht you care.Let people feel your sincerity.Not by saying.Sometimes even by doing it, doesn't let people feel it.Work hard.Give in your all.People'll feel it.And ok I'm out of point.Kthxbye.Tears;Feelings too painful for a broken heart tuh express.

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