Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dr. King, please don’t feed into the Anti-Gay American Idol Conspiracy.

When the show ended, I actually breathed a sigh of relief. America seemed to have voted for some old fashioned values by casting enough of the nearly 100 million votes towards Kris to cause him to win.

~ Dr. Alveda C. King, pastoral associate for Priests For Life and niece of the late Dr. King

Citizen Wifey is a big fan of American Idol. Due to the show coinciding with our dinner time, I’ve been catching a peek or two this season. Everyone knows about Adam Lambert being one of the top singers. This guy evaded the “Gay” question for the whole season of American Idol. It was obvious that this guy was gay. I don’t know why he didn’t just say he was gay. Ellen came out and she has her own t.v. show. Rosie O’Donnell came out and she had a cush job with “The View”. Clay Aiken finally came out and he’s kicking it on Broadway. The only place where Gay’s aren’t wanted is the military. Adam was going to go into the music business. Has anyone heard of an artist by the name of Elton John?

The voting on American Idol is not like the Presidential Election. In the Presidential Election, we actually see people voting on machines. In the America Idol voting, all we hear about is the amount of people that called in. Do we have proof that phone votes were even counted? Ryan Seacrest tells us that X amount of people call in every week…..says who? How do we know they aren’t pulling the strings behind the voting? Think about all the previous scabs (from previous American Idol Seasons) that lasted longer than they should have. But let’s say that the phone votes counted. I believe Adam would have lost due to lackadaisical voters and Danny Gokey voters.

#1) People thought he was a shoe in and they didn’t vote.

#2) Once Danny was booted off his votes went Kris Allen.

Those are two possible scenarios that went down on vote night. But this theory of “Christian Americans” voting to sabotage Adam is foolish. With all the issues we face in America, this is the last thing we need to discuss. Surely Dr. King could come up with something of more substance than this? But first, I need her to tell her kin folks to stop acting up.

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