Thursday, April 15, 2010

Things That Might Happened If UNIMAS Banned facebook Part 1

Just in time when facebook is starting to grow (and stick!) in our heart (and brain!), there were rumors that UNIMAS will banned facebook access via its LAN, which means if we're using UNIMAS connection to browse facebook we will get na-da, nothing but just a page that told you that facebook is banned !

In order to prepare ourselves for this catastrophe, here a few ideas what might happened if this rumor is going to be true. Brace yourselves !!!

1. Morpheus will be 'in' again.

For those who doesn't know what MORPHEUS is, it's actually a portal for us, UNIMAS students to send our assignments and download lecture notes and stuff. Back when facebook is still something out of this world, people use MORPHEUS to post almost anything because it has a blog service for students to talk about almost anything. Even 'gay bashing posts' were allowed at that day. Sadly, since the dawn of facebook, people had forgotten about MORPHEUS... 
 " For outsiders, MORPHEUS looked like this"

But... MORPHEUS might be popular again if facebook is banned. Oh, remember those days when I used to get messages from my MORPHEUS account.

2. "Is that my coursemate syndrome?" will attacked

I have to admit that I did not know each and every name of my coursemate but the worst part is I don't even recognize their face.  Here's an awkward example of this syndrome.

Time: Biotech Orientation Day
Place: Somewhere where the orientation is held

ME [with full confidence]: Hey, you must be the first year student. Come here and stay with the rest!


ME [Turn around and pretend to be busy]: .... 

The good thing about facebook is you can add anyone minus the awkwardness of breaking the ice and get to know each other. I have to say that some of my coursemate add me as a friend and since then whenever I saw them anywhere I'll be waving my hands without hesitation even, well at least we've 'poked' each other in facebook before.

But, if facebook is banned the whole world will start to become awkward again...

3. Many students will become depressed 

Depression happened to students all the time. It could be cause by almost anything from exam to personal problems like relationship status.

Posting status updates in facebook is a way to release the tension of getting depressed and seeking attention as well.

If facebook is banned, then where would all these students go to when they need to tell everyone that their 'single' or they have 'complicated' relationship.

 "A worst case of break ups and make ups"
 (to be continued)

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