Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Things I think about people: When Travelling

I have to start this post by explaining that, as with Things I think about people: In Class it is not that I personally dislike these people or am casting aspersions as to their personality. I think everyone is nice, which I have been told is a weak point in my personality. I just often dislike their attitude or actions.

Such is the case with some of the people I have travelled with over the past six days. So here are the travelling habits which I love, followed by a few I dislike.


1) Chatty travellers. This is an interesting one. I personally love being chatted to, especially when I'm travelling alone, because it stops me from getting lonely. I scored a few of these this weekend, starting with Dave and Patrick the American guys who I met on my flight from Fes. On the way back I met Charlie, a three-year old who was keen to share his etch-a-sketch. I appreciate these people a lot.

2) Travellers who don't mind asking. I like these people because (rather selfishly) it makes me feel so good when I can help someone. I was asked for so much help this weekend that I think I must just have a helpful face. I feel great when someone asks me for help, so I always appreciate it.

3) Business travellers. This applies specifically to train-travel. Business travellers always have reserved seats and they always know exactly where to get onto the train. And they get on with work in a very organised way, because they're used to the constrictions which come with train travel on a regular basis.


1) Singers. That is to say, children who insist on singing. When you're on a plane flying over France, there is little you can do to get away from the 52nd chorus of 'Waka Waka' that flight. I am not a rude person, and therefore couldn't bring myself to tell them to shut up. I wish I had though.

2) Bolshy travellers. If you're new to the word 'bolshy' it is practically onomatopoeic. It means passengers who think they are the most important thing and are all about throwing their weight around. In their case almost always, the customer is not right. On my outbound flight there was a gentleman who hadn't been able to put the handle down on his cabin bag. He was told it was too large for the overhead compartment. Mayhem ensued as he tried to defy the hostess (who was, of course, right) I offered up the space below my seat to store it, but because of the handle it wouldn't fit. Eventually after much childishness, the bag went into the hold. It was very unnecessary for everyone involved.

3) Seat-stealers. Once again I am referring to train travel here. Because train tickets in the UK are so expensive, I always buy my tickets online in advance, to cut the price. This means I always have a reservation, which is great when I find myself on a particularly busy train. However, sometimes I get hit by the seat-stealers. These are the chancers who see a reserved seat and hope that the person who reserved it does not come. While they are always polite enough when I do show up, they do make me feel bad and they do make everyone's life more difficult. If I can read a reservation slip, I don't see why they can't.

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