Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We got your back nigga!

I got a great email today:


I just tried to sign into my PSN account to find I have been suspended. I called Sony to find out what I had been suspended for, and they told me that I was quote "performing a 'hate-speech' on July 2nd". I found this hard to believe. When I picture a 'hate-speech', I think of someone standing on a soap-box spewing hateful ideas or views towards a particular race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. I asked Sony's representative to elaborate what happened on the incident in question. They said I used a 'v' in the word fuck to bypass their filters, for that I am guilty although that is hardly suspension-worthy. But the funnier part of this so-called "hate-speech" was the part where they said I was calling people "niggers". Now, I have never called anyone a 'nigger', I am an African-American and I use the word 'nigga'. I am sure that with today's popular culture, you are probably very familiar with the similarity and the difference in the 2 words. When an African-American refers to another African-American as 'nigga', it is the equivalent of using the words 'dude', 'brother', 'friend',("That's my nigga"), or if you use it in a different way it can be the same as 'person' ("That nigga's crazy"). We both know what the word 'nigger' means, so we won't get into that.

Looking back at this whole hate-speech thing makes me remember the countless times I dressed my avatar up as an Arab man. When I signed into Home as an Arab male, I was appalled. I was bashed by everyone, male and female, young and old, noob trolls and well dressed veterans. They bashed me for being a Muslim, insulted my faith, my culture, they stalked me, some even sent me messages through my XMB even after I signed off of Home! I reported them multiple times via the in-home select button deal, I sent messages via the XMB to the Community managers, I was so fvcking offended. I got not one apology from anyone, not a message back, nothing, just more abuse when I went onto Home as that particular avatar.

So now they banned me from signing into their network because I wasn't talking like I would talk to my Grandmother. I made no "hate-speech", maybe I used a little inappropriate language at times, but it was far from a hate-speech. As a Muslim, they assaulted the core of my existence, my faith, countless times and I feel they should be held accountable for letting that behavior go unchecked while I get hammered on for using a couple inappropriate words they want to jumble around and call a hate-speech.

If you want to go on a little experiment again (I remember somewhere you were going to assume the role of a teenage girl), you should dress up as an Arab man, go on home and feel the pain and persecution of what an American Muslim must go through. The hateful and downright offensive things home mods will slip under the rug will astound you. I'm never signing back into Home again, when my suspension is lifted I'm deleting the application and creating a new account.

I remember reading somewhere on this blog "Sony is this generation's Sega", I think that hits the nail on the head and after their bullshit "10 year ps3 life-cycle" is complete we will be playing Sony games on Nintendo and XBox. They better pray Apple don't feel like jumping into the game world, we'll be using those Sony 3d game discs as coasters. "Make-Believe", yea, make believe your ships not sinking Sony!!!
Sorry to hear that nigga! I once got suspended for hate speech because I said "Let me bend over and take it in my ass like a fruit." I was horsing around with people I know outside the boundaries of others view. However a mod saw it I assume and bam. Hate speech. Not knowing what the fuck I did when I received this suspension, I called the tech support line and forced the guy to tell me exactly what I said. It was funny to hear him recite that exact line back to me, since my suspension happened like 3 days later. I forgot I even said it. I don't think "fruit" is really hate speech, same as nigga. It's all in perspective. Hate speech is reserved for... well, people who hate.

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