Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Everybody loves the new reverse black codes. Well..except those that are dead from gun violence.

If you think that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has recently found a soft spot for black folks, think again. His recent statement on gun rights has been receiving the *side eye* from some black folks. Any other time he is telling blacks to stop blaming the white man for their problems. But now he wants blacks to stay “armed up” to protect themselves from white men? Someone should tell Thomas to wait until Halloween to dress up as Nat Turner. He’s a little early for disguises…

The 2nd Amendment - A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Sure it sounds easy enough when you read it. And it makes you actually wonder what all the fuss is about. But it appears that everyone wants to own the amendment for their own purpose (sorta like the Lebron James sweepstakes). I personally don’t have a problem with people owning guns. I owned a BB gun growing up. My parents ended up punishing me for pointing it at someone and I did shoot at this dude but those are minor details.

My personal opinion:

Pro Gun people have a right to own guns with the exception of all paramilitary style weapons. Hand Guns, Rifles, Shotguns are all cool and I support anyone that wants to own them. But to be completely Rambo’d out with the kind of equipment the “A – Team” used is a bit much. And if you belong to a Militia what is your sole purpose? Are you going around doing charity work and community service? Or are you waiting for the Russians to parachute into Calumet, Colorado to occupy the town?

Gun Control advocates have a right to ask for tougher laws in order to curb gun violence in the streets. Some neighborhoods are full of criminals and pre-criminals that will do anything to get what they want. Children in these neighborhoods live in fear because of the violence. But people in these neighborhoods still need to protect themselves. The police can’t be everywhere all the time. If someone breaks into your home, you might need a lil sumthin sumthin to keep them from doing damage. REAL TALK: Sometimes you need a “Roscoe” (For my Caucasian readers - A “Hood” term used for a handgun/ sidearm/firearm) to help you when you are in a jam.

One of the issues with gun laws is the racial component. People try to skirt the issue but it’s out in the open for anyone who wants to see it. The NRA and Gun Advocates just don’t care about the senseless violence that goes on in “The Hood.” It’s like the crack epidemic from the 80’s. When crack cocaine was in the ghetto running rampant no one cared. That is until the suburban kids started getting their noses dirty with cocaine. If you do a poll on NRA membership, I bet you won’t find too many members that live in the projects. Even Al Capone would shake his head at the number of murders in Chicago now. Things are so bad that politicians wanted to call in the National Guard. Should the NRA find this disturbing…sure! But will they…no! They see this as an attack on their rights. False campaigns waged against President Obama saying he is going to take away all the guns. Foolishness!! Obama’s hometown is littered with Guns. His Presidency hasn’t stopped guns from getting off the streets so the suburb and rural areas should be just fine.

I can’t believe as educated as this country claims to be, we can’t find a fair solution that makes all sides happy. Strict gun laws shouldn’t mean honest citizens can’t buy fire arms. The laws would be to keep dishonest citizens from purchasing fire arms. But if you even mention gun control, you will be labeled a gun-grabber. It’s a never ending case of the dog chasing its tail or is it the tail chasing the dog? So Clarence Thomas was right about blacks being able to have the right to defend themselves. But not from the Reconstruction era whites that were hateful towards blacks. The biggest threat of gun violence against blacks comes from other blacks.

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