Thursday, September 30, 2010


It's gna be 1st of October whn th clock strikes 12am!I have a wish for October!I wna smile more, and be happy!! :DSeptember passed so fast,Awesome.2010's ending very soon.Huat ar.New year coming again.LMAO.---Went out to meet someone today.Chatted alot alot.Made me realized alot things also.And things.... Are always planned.Ren ming bah~ Hahaha.Some people, are worthed your risks...But, daring to risk it doesn't means it'll be successful.Yeah, so, youknow....Better be safe than sorry ar.Don't risk at all, pl0x.LULz.'My heart failed me maaaaa, aiyooo :('This sentence ar, LOL.Bought 3 ear studs today.I'm left with 0$ again.Wtf.Ohwell, but good.Means I won't buy cig or go out!Heh.I'm having very bad headache now.My head is spinnnnnninggggggg~~~LOL.I think I'm happier already.(:I will be!! Hahahaha.I asked myself a dumb question today.I had no answer.If 'tht' happened, would I be crying, sad, heartbrokened, worried,Or laughing?My answer for now? Crying, sad, heartbrokened, worried.Someone asked me, who would I kill if I could kill?He told me who he'd kill, reason?Cuz they hurt him fucking deep and badly.Ever realise, people you wna kill th most,Are actually people who you were very close with....Just tht th whole thing ended off ugly enough. Lol.He guessed afew people.Well, tht few hurt me alot, but I said no.Lol.'Why not?' He asked.'She bu de :P :x' I replied.'HAIYOOO....' He sighed.HAHAHA.Ohwell!So he came to an conclusion.'Kill yourself? LOL'Me : Yeaaa.Stab myself and go all dramatic, and say,'WHYYY, WHY ALL THESE PEOPLE. ALL THIS RUBBISH THT HAPPENNNED~~'-stabsstabsstabstsbatsbabxtasbtba- LMAO.Ok bye.I can't even walk properly, knn.Head damn pain, DIZZZZY @_@---I heard 2 songs in xcraft.Jitao -___- zzzz???Thn I went other places,I saw things tht somehow, anyhow, idkhow, link until everything.Fwoah.I thought going shopping, go out, would do me good.End up like also th same, JIALAT.LMAO.But still, I am happy alreadyyy!! :D

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