Sunday, March 27, 2011

I am tired

It is 1.40 in the morning here in England.

Oh yeah, I'm back in the UK by the way guys! So be prepared for a lack of posts for a while.

Anyway, I digress. It's 1.40 in the morning. I have had a long day, full of cooking, and travelling, and sports, and stresses. And now I am sat in my kitchen doing some much needed clothes washing, and trying to find something to eat. And listening to people argue on telly.

And it has just come to me, that in a material way, there is one thing I love about England more than anything else. And that is being able to watch the BBC without cheating in some way by streaming online or by using some kind of proxy. The BBC should be more free with their online service, because they produce such interesting programs, and I feel like as (basically) an ex-pat, it's a shame I can't keep up with those. But since I'm back in the UK that's not too much of an issue.

I feel like I'm rambling because I'm tired. G'night all.

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