Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Representative Anthony Weiner ain’t thru catching Hell yet!!!

Poor @RepWeiner!!! I’m personally not shocked about his photos!!! The pictures that he sent aren’t that shocking. It would be the same if Bishop Eddie Long was white and skinny. You do have a right to be mad at Andrew Breitbart. Breitbart did you dirty but that’s his job. He is a conservative crusader who has yet to have his own card pulled. But it was you that eventually got caught slipping. I do feel bad for Weiner because I just found out that his wife works for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The good news is that his wife might not leave him.

The bad news is that his bedroom is going to be cold for awhile!!! A long while!!! A long long long while…

Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is the personal assistant to Clinton at the State Department. She has been with Clinton since 1996. Can you believe Weiner’s wife actually works for the Ice Queen herself!! Trust me!! No matter how big the mainstream media makes this out to be. No matter how the Republicans use this against him. You can best believe Weiner is going to get his!!! You saw the way President Bill Clinton was looking after the Monica “Original Supa Head” Lewinsky scandal broke. He looked like a whipped dog. He is just now getting his swag back.

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