Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fatter, Longer and Happier

I want to lose some of my belly fat this holiday but I don't think that's possible. So I was like, let's hit the gym and gain some muscle mass.

Then I saw this article

Good news to all chubby fella out there, being fat is not a bad thing at all (at least in the sex department), apparently a study has shown that people with extra lipid in their body lasts longer in bed because they have more estrogen then leaner men who regularly hit gym.

Bad news to ripped abs gym freaks, most of you guys will eventually suffered from premature ejaculation, what's a PE ? Hit the wikipedia !

"F*** you , good luck with your ejaculation !!!"
I'm having doubts about this research tho' like why do they do this research in the first place anyway ? On the bright side this should upgrade the market for my heavier friends,  I mean women want men that lasts longer, right ? ... right ?!

After I read that article I'm having dilemmas, should I hit the gym or should I gain more belly fat ? Now that men can feel more confident being fat, women should feel the same too, well I'm sure the researcher had cracking up something for you girls too . . .

Meanwhile, mom jeans is still a no-no

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