Sunday, May 22, 2011

johnny depp kids names

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  • buckdutter
    Oct 1, 04:26 PM
    wow Matt, you must live in a special area of Minneapolis, because my experience with AT&T coverage in Minny is terrible! I was over in St. Louis Park just yesterday and my wife and I both had NO SERVICE until we got into Edina, and when my wife was in downtown at her patent lawyers office (IDC) she had 1 bar on Edge, and could not stay connected for more than 30 seconds before dropping the call. Thankfully in Prior Lake, I have decent coverage.
    I have had Sprint service for 7 years before switching over 2 years ago with AT&T, and if it were not for this device, I would be back on Sprint.
    I am tired of all the excuses I hear from AT&T every time I call them about their coverage, its a joke. What makes me and everyone I know upset, is this is AT&T we are talking about, not a 3rd rate, fly by night provider... I pay a premium price every month, and do not get anywhere close to a premium service in return.
    I cant wait for this phone to be with a different carrier, the second it becomes available, I am switched over!

    I would get your phone checked. I have lived in Minneapolis and travel all over the Twin Cities for work...and I have never had an issue with coverage. Only place I used to consistently get dropped calls was 169 & 494 intersection. Either your are grossly exaggerating, or your phone is literally defective.

    One thing I have noticed is that the iPhone struggles switching from 3G to EDGE. My wife has an E71x, and I have played around with both in iffy areas. The E71x transitions (seemingly) seemlessly and easily...the iPhone hangs on 3G even at 0 bars if EDGE is available at 5. I am starting to suspect that some of these issues in various places are both network related (duh), and software related.

    At any rate...I have nothing but good things to say about the coverage in Minneapolis...and certainly have never had an issue stretching from a distance like St Louis park to Edina. I would get your phone checked.

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  • Macaroony
    Mar 9, 01:38 AM
    I would like to see them pull off a change of actor for once, without changing the character. I think it's an insult to the audience's intelligence that networks think we can't accept someone else in the role. They always go for the knee-jerk reaction, which is to kill off the character. Give us some credit, and a chance for another actor to make the role his own. It's not like it's unheard of. How many James Bonds have there been??
    I'm sorry, but this never works. At some point, in every show that did the that it becomes some kind of inside joke on and off camera. I'm reminded of the 200th episode of Stargate: SG-1, where upon a ridiculous parody of the show one of the characters says:

    "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

    This on a sci-fi show with enough technobabble to keep you busy arguing with other viewers about the authenticity of the in-show's reality.

    For movies it's different because each one is a narrative of it's own. You can't can't compare Sean Connery with Pierce Brosnan as you can't compare Never Say Never with Tomorrow Never Dies because both movies are done in their individual way.

    On a television series, you have a continuous narrative that can change its direction, but as soon as you change major plot points or dare switch the main actors with new ones, that's a plain insult to the audience who watched from the start.

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  • CJM
    May 3, 07:58 AM
    They're still using this piece of marketing on the iMac page:

    The iMac display looks great from any seat in the house, thanks to a premium display technology called in-plane switching (IPS). IPS gives you a bright picture with excellent color — even if you’re viewing the display from the side.

    EDIT: Lots of people beat me; irrelevant post.

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  • Yellowstone2012
    Apr 22, 05:48 PM
    There is no way it could be that thin.

    iPad 2 is thinner than the iPhone 4...

    Uhh no. Rounded off edges are a big no-no.

    iPad 2 has rounded off edges.


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  • Biolizard
    Apr 12, 09:29 AM
    Makes sense. The iPod is pretty much at an endgame; there's not really anything more they can do with it. Even the Nano runs something that looks like iOS now, and could run iOS in the future (hell, the AppleTV runs it, why not the Nano?). Indeed, last September's event was as much about iOS 4.1 and 4.2 as iPods as I recall.

    Additionally, Mac-philes have criticised WWDC for being all about the iPhone lately; seems like a reasonable idea to kill two birds with one stone and shift the phone to the Autumn event, which would cover all the mobile hardware, and leave WWDC to software, ensuring enough time in the keynote for both OS X and iOS.

    Moving the iPhone release to autumn could also help shift more units since it's not long before the Christmas shopping season. The initial sell-out of units in September would give way to about a month or so of calm before it all goes nuts again in November/December.

    Only drawback is the people coming off two year contracts who won't or can't go SIM-only for 3 months, though given the amounts of money people have supposedly spent on the iOS ecosystem, customers jumping ship may be less of an issue for Apple than in previous times when a phone was just a phone.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    May 4, 12:22 AM
    They'll likely time it to match the release of the sprint iphone.


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  • -aggie-
    Apr 22, 09:52 PM
    That's suspicious... ;)

    I feel like I�m being set up here. :confused:

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  • Stridder44
    Aug 16, 12:25 AM
    i'm liking the new mail features :D

    i happen to like the ovalness and coloring :P

    Exactly, it just seems like that's where the new UI is going to go. Mail made the change, now Preview?? A random app like preview gets that same change? Im thinking it might be a sign of things to come..


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  • oldwatery
    Mar 31, 08:03 PM
    I find most of the comments puerile or insane--over reacting with disdain or glee--while the major concern should be the function. I still find iCal a little limited and annoyingly so in terms of notes attached to daily functions.

    Who gives a crap how it is decorated! Make the thing work better and it will work better, and that's what matters to real people who need real organization within their lives.

    Obviously loads of people do give a crap how it what are we chopped liver?
    Real people indeed...:p

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  • Xavier
    Oct 23, 11:45 AM
    What is this thing?

    Its a bicycle roller, used like this:

    for training


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  • acidfast7
    Oct 31, 11:32 AM
    I actually stunned by this thread.

    I can't think of anything that I want for Xmas :(

    Can anyone help me? Any suggestions? What's a must-have gift this year?

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  • NoNothing
    Mar 29, 01:48 PM
    So the reason apple charges more is because??? Seems like google is a better deal.

    Not like that matters, if you develop for OSX, iOS or both... Then the sky high price might be worth it.

    It is 5 days and not 2? Apple has more sessions?


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  • terraphantm
    May 4, 03:42 PM
    At&t bumped my upgrade eligibility from 11/30/2011 to 6/30/2011. That must mean Apple is giving *me* the iPhone in June, right? :rolleyes:

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  • peapody
    Jan 26, 11:03 AM

    no big deal! You don't have to apologize! Who cares?! I just didn't get to sending your reply (phone call with my residency director)...I replied but then you send the above message - don't jump so quickly. :o


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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 13, 12:21 AM
    I agree it might be great but I doubt if it will be a priority for them now. Grammar engine and word processing muscles would be the first to get added. For current notetaking and notes management you should look into Circusponies Notebook - it is an awesome package for just 29 bucks (academic price) and is feature packed.

    Me myself can't wait for a spread sheet application! The last real need for I have for M$'s ORIFICE would be over!!

    I'm not sure I understand this "notebook" view. I don't see any such view in MS Word, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Taking notes was mentioned, so are you talking about notes relating to a given document? Pages 2 has something like that:

    If it's something else, I'm curious to understand it better.

    Oh, and thanks for the links, kiwi-in-uk.

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  • displaced
    Jul 30, 06:32 AM
    Well go and tell that to Dell and their massive market share and we'll see if they take you seriously and change their marketing strategy. Theres ideology and then theres reality, I suggest you take a trip into reality. People may think Apple is innovative but so what? Most people buy whats cheap, not whats innovative, and since Dell isnt innovative in anything they do they can afford to be cheap. We have solid proof that innovation doesnt sell as well as affordability, what is there to argue about exactly? I think Apple is perfectly fine with having such a tiny market share especially since iPod is keeping them afloat (how many billions does Jobs need? Hes probably in no rush to make mroe money), but if Apple fans expect Apple to try and get more market share then they should expect them to lower their prices and offer things like Dell.

    This is why I'm not too concerned about Apple getting Dell-like levels of marketshare.

    I see value in both Apple's hardware and their software. In fact, I see more value in the software than the hardware. However, they make most of the money from the hardware, so in effect I'm helping the continued development of Apple's software with my hardware purchases.

    If Apple sold machines for Dell prices, they'd only be able to afford to produce machines and software like Dell. Goodbye iWork, OS X, CoreVideo, xnu, Darwin, Quartz, Cocoa, Carbon, Xcode, Filemaker, Safari, iChat, Final Cut, Aperture, iMovie, iDVD, QuickTime, GarageBand, AppleScript, Compressor, Motion, Soundtrack, Logic, Shake, Xsan, WebObjects, ARD, iTunes... Most of these products existed pre-iPod. Heck, the money for iPod development probably initially came from Mac and software sales.

    Some of Apple's business does intersect with Dell's, but I don't think it's fair to compare the companies as a whole directly. What's good for Dell isn't necessarily good for Apple. Dell's business is low-margin, high-volume and is specialised(*). They integrate components, and shift boxes. If what you need is a box of parts that'll run Windows, then Dell's a good place to buy. But for a sizeable number of people (over a million per quarter), Apple's a better fit.

    A 'large' market share isn't ideal for Apple's business, simply because of the concessions required to reach it would kill the company. What's ideal is a sustainable market share. I think they've got the strategy right: keep developing products which are attractive, price them according to the balance between customer acceptance and fiscal needs, and (above all) simply be around to provide a good platform which is self-sustainable.

    Most people may well buy cheap. But there's a market for Apple's products, and it's looking stable, with signs of measured growth. Sounds good to me.

    (* - it may seem odd to call Dell's products specialised. But they are. Dell's basically a one-trick pony. Their business model allows little else. Consider how long it took them to consider AMD processors. The contemporary wisdom has been that the reason was twofold. Firstly, they were quite likely getting superb prices for Intel processors, and advertising money from Intel that may have been threatened by including AMD models. But also, it was noted that adding AMD machines would introduce an amount of complexity to Dell's supply chain management that could impact their margins. They had to wait until the potential market for AMD-based Dell machines was guaranteed to be large enough that it would offset the costs of diversifying. Dell has very limited flexibility. It has historically worked for them, but investors have been twitch recently over multiple profit warnings from the company)


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  • podiki
    May 3, 07:53 AM
    Meh, she's got sharp knees.

    Oh, wait, I'm not on fark bitching about a beautiful woman...

    Sweet update. Might consider trading in my Mac Pro.

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  • ChazUK
    May 1, 05:48 AM
    Yup, and that's irrelevant to the discussion. Phones that aren't granted access to that market are still counted as Android devices.

    "Smartphone OS" is a totally meaningless metric. It's as useful as "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". Yes, you can report on it, but it begs the question "why?". And the answer is (9 times out of 10) "to make us look good, even though we're losing the battle that really counts".

    I'll agree with you that phones that don't include Android Market are included in total figures but the big players in Android are the likes of HTC, Motorola, LG, Samsung e.t.c who all include access to Android Market, not to mention Google's 350,000 activations a day that all have access google services and in turn include the Market.

    If people can't wake up to the fact that with regards to smartphone os market share, this is the way it's always been then that is their issue. Of course total iOS penetration can be counted in a different metric and there is nothing that anyone who wants to bash Apple can say to the massive success they've had. iOS is an unrivalled juggernaut as it stands today.

    Where did you pluck your "This whole "smartphone OS" is something dreamed up in the last few weeks by Android apologists" Conspiracy from anyway? You must have had some basis to make that judgememt?

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  • firewood
    Apr 18, 12:29 AM
    So for .17 GHz upgrade we are sacrificing around 30% graphic power?

    The i5 can retire more instructions per clock cycle, and so could actually run real software faster at even a lower GHz clock speed than a C2D.

    Sep 14, 11:59 AM
    I'll get there! I'm just now becoming a Starbucks nerd.

    :confused: I dunno. Says so online but maybe they are just gimmicking! Or maybe you have the hookup! :p

    Oh well, I'll get a gold card one of these days.

    Wait till you get that platinum card !

    Jul 25, 11:03 AM
    What if he is?

    And most computer-users use Windows, so maybe we should all switch to Windows? Point is that there ARE lots of people who like to expand their systems. To them, iMac is completely unsuitable, and PowerMac is simply too much (too much space, too much technology, too much money, you name it). There have been LOTS of people saying that they would love to see a relatively inexpensive Mac that is expandable. iMac is not that. Neither is PowerMac.

    What happens if the screen in the iMac breaks down? The whole computer becomes useless. What if you need faster vid-card? you have to buy a new computer. All-in-one has it's benefits, but it has it's drawbacks, and there are lots of people who do not want those drawbacks. Yes, minitower (for example) has it's drawbacks as well, but there are lots of people who would be willing to accept those drawback for the benefits such a system offers.

    Well good for you. How that helps ME is beyond me.

    Are we using somekind of miniature-desks or something? I have a rather typical desk, and it currently has a Mac Mini, a TFT-screen, old, huge printer that does not work, and it still has plenty of space for mouse, keyboard and other items. And that "small metallic box" means that your iMac loses that all-in-one elegance it now has.

    Some of us would be willing to accept that. A minitower would consume about as much desk-space as two Mac Mini's. That's more than reasonable IMO.

    2 Mac Mini should still be very small.. but i would love to see a Cube sized Mac agian..maybe this time it would sell.

    Apr 14, 09:14 AM
    What makes you think you can call people stupid???

    If you paid hundreds of dollars for a hack job that voided your warranty that's now rumored to be made obsolete by a free offering from Apple, you'd lose it too :D

    Apr 28, 04:46 PM
    Does this mean the white iphone is 10% more durable?

    Apr 22, 06:25 PM
    Ugh, I REALLY don't like the tapered design. Don't like it on the MacBook Air (a machine I love in general) and I certainly don't want it on an iPhone. The iPhone 4 design is very good, I wouldn't mind a tiny bit thinner and a grippier surface, but I hope this design shown here does not happen.

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